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Jeff Heslop joins SSMI as a Regional President for USA

SSMI is glad to welcome Jeff Heslop, who joins SSMI management team as a Regional President in the United States.

Jeff is a certified MBB through GE and a certified Executive MBB through Dr. Mikel Harry and the Six Sigma Management Institute. Jeff received his bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Kansas State University and his Master’s in Statistics from Miami University of Ohio.

After ten years as a design engineer for GE Aviation, Jeff moved to full time work in continuous improvement as a Total Quality Adviser. During this time, he learned directly from some of the greatest thinkers in business and quality improvement such as Dr. W. Edwards Deming, Dr. Brian Joiner, and Dr. Don Wheeler. In 1995, he became one of the original Master Black Belts (MBB) at GE Aviation and was taught directly by Dr. Mikel Harry who co-founded Six Sigma. Jeff led the team that created the first Six Sigma training material which became a best practice for all of GE. Since that time, he has worked continually to both simplify and clarify Six Sigma training, application, and deployment. In February 2015, Jeff was certified to the highest level of Six Sigma certification, the Certified Executive Master Black Belt (CEMBB) through the Six Sigma Management Institute. The certification was taught and personally mentored by Dr. Mikel Harry, co-founder of Six Sigma. It is the "PhD" of Six Sigma certification. The EMBB is trained to speak the language of the C-suite executives to analyze the client's financial data in order to identify the highest leverage impact projects for major business improvement. During his years as an MBB, Mr. Heslop has trained and mentored thousands of students from around the world in LSS. This includes over 130 waves of Black Belts, Master Black Belts, company suppliers and customers, Green Belts, Design for Six Sigma Black Belts, and many executives. While providing a thorough understanding of the tools and methods, his emphasis is on the discipline and strategy of application that drive business results.

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